Recent State-Sponsored Threats
Threat Content Highlights
Threat Profiles
- “Trending & Emerging Threats” weekly update: Recent State-Sponsored Threats
- Our weekly updates often highlight campaigns or specific new/updated threats that were recently active or spotlighted in timely threat reports. This profile takes a step back and collects several of the state-sponsored adversaries that were recently added or updated in our knowledge base (past six months), allowing immediate coverage assessments across a large number and variety of TTPs.
- Users interested in a more focused look at particular priority countries can clone this profile and make modifications. Or for a wider look at threats updated over the past year, users can consult the Tidal-maintained "Prominent State-Sponsored Adversaries" profile, which is added by default to all Enterprise Edition tenants.
- Our weekly updates often highlight campaigns or specific new/updated threats that were recently active or spotlighted in timely threat reports. This profile takes a step back and collects several of the state-sponsored adversaries that were recently added or updated in our knowledge base (past six months), allowing immediate coverage assessments across a large number and variety of TTPs.