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A Perfect Shot with Zero-Shot Security

Today, I am thrilled to announce the acquisition of Zero-Shot Security, founded by Harrison Van Riper. Zero-Shot’s...

Tackling the Visibility Challenges in the SOC

In this blog series, we dive into the challenges faced by our heroes of Threat-Informed Defense, how they address them,...

Defensive Stack Optimization: A Threat-Informed Defense Use Case

In this blog series, we dive into the challenges faced by our heroes of Threat-Informed Defense, how they address them,...

The TIDE: EDRKillShifter, Ransomware Tools, ExtraHop, Wiz

We haven’t had a version of The TIDE: Threat-Informed Defense Education blog for a bit now, but that is largely because...

How CTI Analysts Use Threat-Informed Defense to Overcome Top Challenges

Recently, I introduced you to our heroes of Threat-Informed Defense. They comprise our diverse community of Tidal Cyber...

Heroes of Threat-Informed Defense: Tidal Cyber’s Diverse Users

Are you curious about the make-up of the Tidal Cyber user community? It may surprise you to know that our users hail...